April, 6th 2022 - Chapter Event

Time of the event : 7:00am to 8:00am CST

Only participants who are registered are eligible to claim a PDU per PMI Global guidelines

(1 PDU -  0.5 Technical and 0.5 Leadership )


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Meeting ID: 950 4500 0335
Passcode: 935110

Speaker: Kevin Burns


Title: Delivering value and having a beneficial impact


Kevin is a lean and agile product development coach with a passion for helping teams turn their product ideals into implementations that wow their users and customers. He’s been helping teams think different about their flow and how they measure success for over twenty years. Kevin’s love for coaching and teaching came from his Peace Corps service in the 90’s. Today, Kevin is still trying to work-himself-out-of-a-job by coaching product teams to continuously learn and by focusing team success in terms of the beneficial impacts and outcomes they’re trying to achieve for their users, customers, and stakeholders. Pending

Presentation Abstract:

Are you measuring the right stuff? How do you know? There are lots of books on measuring impact, outcomes, quality, throughput, velocity, objectives, etc. but how do you know if you’re truly measuring the right stuff. How do you know you’re measuring what matters? Is there a single measure that matters? This talk will explore many different measuring methods and provides insights regarding context for each. Context matters when it comes to metrics and we need to understand what we’re trying to learn before we can pick the right metric to measure.

Learning objectives:

Attendees will learn some philosophy related to measuring quality as well as some tools they can used to measure it. They will also learn about books and references they can use to improve their knowledge-base around value and how to measure it. They will also participate in a live polling process which will expose them to a tool they can use when they return to their teams.

  • Know the ‘why’ behind measuring. If you don’t have a ‘why’, don’t measure.
  • Understand context matters when picking what to measure. If you don’t have insights into what you’re trying to gain from the measure, why spend energy on measuring.
  • An understanding of what insights you’re trying to glean from measuring, if you don’t, you might pick the wrong thing to measure.
  • How you can apply different metric strategies given your context. Many measuring constructs do the same thing, pick one you like and be able to explain why.

 To sign up for the event, go to our menu calendar, click on the event you woud like to register for and go to the bottom of the page to register as an individual

To claim your PDU after the event (only if you were registered), consult 

 If you have any question before or after the meeting, please contact programs@pmi-milwaukee.org

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Event

Date: April 6th, 2022

Hour: 7:00AM to 8:00AM

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
