April, 20th 2022 - Chapter Event

Time of the event : 7:00am to 8:00am CST

Only participants who are registered are eligible to claim a PDU per PMI Global guidelines


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Meeting ID: 961 1455 5203
Passcode: 010149

Speaker: Tim Connor


Title: Managing stress during changing times


Tim is the President and CEO of Connor Resource Group and Peak Performance Institute.  He has been a full-time professional speaker, trainer, coach, consultant and bestselling author for over 35 years. During his career he has given over 4000 presentations in twenty-five countries around the world to a wide variety of audiences. 

Each year he also facilitates a number of strategic planning events and meetings for many of his clients.  He is a results-oriented business coach and consultant working with a select few clients each year helping them improve their individual and organization performance. 

He is the best selling author of over 80 books including several international best sellers, Soft Sell (The Number One Best Selling Sales Book In The World now In 23 Languages and with sales over one million copies), Life Is Short, Success is a Decision,  81 Management Challenges, Your First Year in Sales, Corporate Disconnect, Blah, Blah, Blah and My Age is None of My Business.

Presentation Abstract:

Everything in life is a stressor but there are positive stressors as well as negative ones.  The key element to understand is that the body reacts the same to both – it doesn’t distinguish between the positive stressors or the negative ones in our life. It doesn’t matter what’s happening if it is new, different, uncertain, or uncomfortable the mind goes into stress mode. The primary issues impacted by unmanaged stress are; health, communication styles, performance, emotional responses, and the prolonging of the stressors even though the original causes might have ended. Ulcers are not caused by what you eat but what is eating you. Stress is not what is happening but how you are choosing to react to what is happening.  Stress is normal in everyday life but it can be especially harmful and contagious during changing or uncertain times.

During this session, Tim will discuss a variety of common contributors, typical consequences, and a variety of proven techniques for improved management of life and career stressors and how to better control your inside-out reaction or response to the life’s relentless external circumstances. Here are just a few why and how stress is a performance killer:

-Common business stressors - management style, business model and culture, etc., a lack of employee validation, poor organization direction, inconsistent or poor communication strategies, etc., and how to better manage them.
-Why people let stress have a negative impact on their behavior.
-Common responses to stress and their impact on success and happiness.
-Negative consequences of unmanaged stress both personal and career.
-And many more.
-Proven techniques to better handle personal stress control and management.

Don’t miss this session if you want to learn many of the simple and easy tactics for improved personal stress management.

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 If you have any question before or after the meeting, please contact programs@pmi-milwaukee.org

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Type of category: Chapter Event

Type of activity:

Date: April 20th, 2022

Hour: 7:00AM to 8:00AM

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
