August 17th 2022 - PM in the AM Chapter Event
Time of the event - 7:00am to 8:00am
Only participants who are registered are eligible to claim a PDU per PMI Global guidelines
(1 PDU - 1 Strategic )
Registration info at the bottom of this announcement
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Meeting ID: 838 0158 4729
Passcode: 257398
Speaker: Dr. Christopher Washington
Presentation Title: Leveling Up: Bridging the Gap between Project Management and Antifragile Leadership
Dr. Christopher Washington serves as the Provost of Franklin University, which has effectively increased access to education, adapted to the needs of learners, and responded to changes in the professions during the pandemic years.
He is immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors of Global Ties U.S., a nonprofit partner of the U.S. Department of State that supports a network of organizations that host current and future leaders from around the world in communities throughout the United States. Dr. Washington is a regular contributor to as a member of the Forbes Non-Profit Council, and the America 250 Commission’s International Advisory Council enacted by the U.S. Congress. He is the recipient of numerous awards including eLearning! Magazine’s “eLearning! Champion” Award; Western Illinois University’s “Distinguished Alumni” Award; Pi Lambda Theta’s “Leadership in Education” Award; Ohio Magazine’s “Excellence in Education” Award, and the The Ohio State University 2021 College of Education and Human Ecology “Career Achievement” Award.
Presentation Abstract:
Planned change in the workplace is increasingly organized and led by experienced project managers. The Project Management Institute estimates that by 2027, employers will need millions more individuals working in project management-oriented roles. While the PMBOK enables project managers to plan and implement projects which consider identifiable organizational-level issues and risks, the World Economic Forum suggests that organizations will increasingly be challenged by multi-stakeholder environmental, technological, societal, geopolitical and economic disruption in the coming years. The added stress of disruption on organizations will necessitate more frequent unplanned change initiatives, potentially penalizing the more rigid and “fragile” organizations.
Learning Objectives
In this session, participants will:
- Examine the sources of organizational disruption expected in the coming years
- Compare and contrast the impact of disruption on organizational performance systems over time based on Nassim Nicholas Taleb notion of “antifragile” systems
- Identify leadership responses to various forms of disorder that have the potential to either decrease or increase the value of organizations over time
- Describe 10 leadership developmental activities that enable leaders to develop the action logic and skills that can support the evolution of complex systems in response to disruption.
See you there.
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