Nov 16th 2022 - PM in the AM Chapter Event

Time of the event - 7:00am to 8:00am

Only participants who are registered are eligible to claim a PDU per PMI Global guidelines

(1 PDU -  Ways of Working )

Registration info at the bottom of this announcement


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Meeting ID: 844 8219 6680
Passcode: 248626

Speaker:  Tom Henricksen


Presentation Title: Humans are hard, Code is easy


Tom Henricksen is a problem-solving technology professional. Starting from a developer he has worked as a Project Manager, Technical Lead, Scrum Master, and Manager of Software Development.

Tom has helped organizations with agile transformations. He has also coached and trained teams and individuals.

Tom has been an entrepreneur as well. He speaks and writes with a focus on technology roles. Tom was the founder of the Agile Online Summit and DevOps Online Summit. Where he led a strong online community of over 5,000 people.

Tom has learned how to solve challenging issues in technology and lead technical teams. He can help you develop those skills too!

Presentation Abstract

Are you a frustrated developer, business analyst, or project manager who feels like they know enough? However, the success you thought you would have is out of reach. You see others who make better strides but why? Is it a skills gap?

Come learn how to set yourself apart as a project manager or developer and learn the skills of influence and collaboration. Learn from Tom’s struggles as a developer, project manager, and manager. Instead of focusing on technical skills, he had to look elsewhere.

In “Humans are Hard, Code is Easy” we share the 3 Core Soft skills.

  • Communication - Communicate and listen with effectiveness
  • Relationships - Build strong relationships by understanding other people’s interest
  • Influence - Foster connection and generate influence

Attend this interactive engagement. Bring your willingness to learn and share your insights. From career ups and downs we can glean skills that are transferable. Where developers might focus on code and project managers on plans there are other more important items.


See you there.

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To claim your PDU after the event (only if you were registered), consult 

 For any question before or after the event, please contact

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Event

Date: November 16th, 2022

Hour: 7:00AM to 8:00AM

Registration close date: November 16th, 2022 at 10:00AM

# of PDUs: 1.0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


Zoom Meetng